Move4U Web Applications Apps

Mudanzas Mundiales Survey App 1.4.2
Welcome to the Mudanzas Mundiales Survey Appfor a free quote for your move. This app is provided by MudanzasMundiales to help you make the request for the cost of moving yourhome or your office. By using this app you can enter all the itemsyou need.
Movart Traslochi App 0.0.1
Welcome to the Movart app for a free quote foryour move. This app is provided by Movart Traslochi to help youmake the request for the cost of moving your home or your office.By using this app you can enter all the items you need
the Swiss Moving Company 1.4.2
Download this free app to request your movequote at SMC (Swiss Moving Company). With this app you can make aninventory of your household by using your device camera. In a feweasy steps you will arrange your move in minutes and be on the roadagain. One of our moving coordinators will contact you after yourrequest.
Victor Ek move application 1.4.1
Download this free app to request your movequote at Victor Ek. With this app you can make an inventory of yourhousehold by using your device camera. One of our movingcoordinators will contact you after your request.
Voerman International App 1.4.0
With this app you can make an inventory ofyour home by photographing all the rooms and request a quote foryour move. One of our move specialists will contact you afterreceiving your request.
ABC Cargo Survey App 1.4.3
With this app you can make an inventory ofyourhome by photographing all the rooms and request a quote foryourmove. One of our move specialists will contact you afterreceivingyour request.
Move4U Survey App 1.4.0
Welcome to “My Survey App” demo. The “MySurveyApp” is a product of Move4U developed for the moving andrelocationindustry to help you better serve your customers.This app can be fully customized to the look and feel ofyourcompany. We will utilize your companies contact details, logoandcolors. We will place the app under your account and companynamein the various app stores.With this app you can offer your customers a way to requestaquote from your company. After the request, you and yourcustomermay decide if it will be necessary to do a home visit. Weoffer youa simple, customer friendly solution with increasedbenefits foryour company.
Dijkshoorn Survey App 1.4.0
Met deze App kunt u gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvragen en foto’s maken van uw te verhuizen goederen. Wijnemenzo snel mogelijk contact op nadat wij de aanvraag binnenhebben.Dijkshoorn Euromovers is een allround verhuisbedrijf datgevestigdis in Vlaardingen. Dijkshoorn is opgericht in 1952 enheeft door dejaren heen een goede naam opgebouwd. Dit is medegekomen door deflexibiliteit van de dienstverlening en het nakomenvanafspraken.With this App youcaneasily request a quote and take pictures of your goods toberemoved. We will contact as soon as possible after we havereceivedthe request. Dijkshoorn Euromovers is an all moving companybasedin Vlaardingen. Dijkshoorn was founded in 1952 and has builtoverthe years a good name. This is partly due to the flexibility oftheservice and delivering on promises.
Relo Insurance Claim App 2.3.0
With the Relo Insurance Claim App you caneasily notify us about the goods damaged during your move. Simplyadd your move details and specify the damaged items. One of ourexperts will review your claim and assist you in the process.
G-Inter Survey App 1.4.1
Welcome to the G-Inter Survey App for afreequote for your move. This app is provided by G-Inter to helpyoumake the request for the cost of moving your home or youroffice.By using this app you can enter all the items youneed.
De Bresser Survey App 1.4.0
Met deze App kunt u gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvragen en foto’s maken van uw te verhuizen goederen. Wijnemenzo snel mogelijk contact op nadat wij de aanvraag binnenhebben.Download de App, vul uw gegevens in, en maak simpelweg eenaantalfoto’s van de inboedel en de ruimtes welke u wilt verhuizenen desituatie bij uw woning. En u ontvangt van ons direct eenpassendeofferte. Erkend Verhuizen kan zoveel eenvoudiger !With this App youcaneasily request a quote and take pictures of your goods toberemoved. We will contact as soon as possible after we havereceivedthe request. Download the app, enter your information, andmakejust a few pictures of the furniture and the spaces that youwantto move and the situation in your home. And you willreceiveimmediately a suitable offer. Moving house can be recognizedmucheasier!
Leads to Move Survey App 1.4.1
Met de Leads to Move Survey App kuntugemakkelijk uw woning inventariseren en meerdere offertesaanvragenbij verschillende verhuisbedrijven.With the Leads toMoveSurvey App you can easily identify your home and apply formultiplequotes from various moving companies.
UTS Bernardt 1.0.2
Vertrouwd en verantwoord verhuizen van ofnaarLimburg of regio Eindhoven? Download dan gratis deze handigeApp omeenvoudig en snel uw offerte aanvraag bij UTS Bernardt teplaatsen.De App helpt u bij het vastleggen van uw te verhuizeninboedel metbehulp van foto's. Vervolgens kunnen wij een schattingmaken van dete verhuizen inboedel en u een offerte op maataanbieden. Uwgegevens worden uitsluitend gebruikt voor het bepalenvan deverhuisprijs. Voor meer informatie of hulp kunt u bellenmet+31(0)46-436 31 30 of mailen naar We helpenugraag verder.Trusted andresponsiblemove to or from Limburg or Eindhoven region? Downloadfree thenthis handy app to easily and quickly place. Request yourquote atUTS Bernardt The app helps you capture your move furnitureusingphotographs. Then we can make an estimate of the furniture tomoveand offer you a quote. Your information will only be usedtodetermine the removal price. For more information orassistance,please call +31 (0) 46-436 31 30 or mail to We willgladlyhelp you.
De Gruijter & Co Survey App 1.4.0
Welkom bij de App van Koninklijke deGruijter,sinds 1893 de (internationale) verhuisspecialist. Downloaddeze appom gemakkelijk een offerte aanvraag te plaatsen. Met dezeApp kuntu foto's maken van de verschillende vertrekken waarmee wijeeninschatting kunnen maken van de te verhuizen inboedel.Welcome to the App oftheRoyal Gruijter, since 1893, the (international) removalspecialist.Download this app to post. Easily quote With this Appyou can takepictures of the various rooms that we can make thefurniture tomove. Estimate
Van Leeuwen Verhuizingen App 1.4.1
Gebruik deze app om gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvraag te plaatsen. Met deze app kunt u foto's maken vandeverschillende vertrekken waarmee wij een inschatting kunnenmakenvan de te verhuizen inboedelUse this app topost.Easily quote With this app you can take photos of the variousroomsthat we can make the furniture moving estimate
Transpack Shipping Services 0.0.1
Met deze handige app is het mogelijkomgemakkelijk en snel een verhuisofferte aan te vragen. Maakfotosvan de verschillende ruimtes in het huis of juist vanspecifiekespullen. Onze inspecteurs bekijken vervolgens uw aanvraagen kunnenzo een schatting maken van de kosten.Er is dus geen inspectie aan huis nodig.With this handy app, itispossible to move to an offer easy and quick questions. Takepicturesof the different rooms in the house or just specificstuff. Ourinspectors then review your request, and can be as anestimate ofthe cost.So there is no house inspection required.
AA Verhuizers 1.4.0
Welkom bij de app van AA Verhuizers. Metdezeapp kunt u gemakkelijk uw te verhuizen spullen in beeldbrengen.Een bezoek van onze taxateur wordt bij deze overbodig. Ukrijgtdirect een offerte in beeld en u kan direct een datumreserverenvoor uw aankomende verhuizing.Welcome to the appAAMovers. You can move this app easy to put your stuff inthepicture. A visit from our appraiser is unnecessary at this.Youwill get an instant quote on the screen, and you can directlybooka date for your upcoming move.
UTS Van der Geest Verhuizingen 1.4.0
Verhuist u van, naar of binnen de regioDenHaag - Rotterdam? Met familiebedrijf UTS Van der GeestVerhuizingenkiest u voor ervaren professionals en een zorgelozeverhuizing. Metdeze app vraagt u eenvoudig en snel een offerte aan.Daarbij kunt ufoto's maken, schatten wij het volume van uw inboedelin en sturenwij u een offerte op maat toe. Wel zogemakkelijk.Are you moving to, fromorwithin the region of The Hague - Rotterdam? With family companyUTSVan der Geest Removals choose for experienced professionals andacareless move. With this app asks you to easily and quicklycreate aquote. In addition, you can take photos, we estimate thevolume ofyour belongings and we will send you a quote. It's thateasy.
ATP My Survey App 0.0.1
Using your devices camera you can makeaninventory of the items you intend to ship allowing us to giveyouan estimate for your move. One of our bi-lingualcoordinatorswill
Intermove Survey App 1.4.0
With this app you can make an inventory ofyourhome by photographing all the rooms and request a quote foryourmove. One of our move specialists will contact you afterreceivingyour request.
M&M Verhuizingen Survey App 1.4.1
Met de M&M Verhuizingen Survey App kuntugemakkelijk een offerte aanvragen. Met behulp van de SurveyAppmaakt u gemakkelijk foto's van de verschillende ruimtes enmetbehulp van die fotos kunnen wij een inschatting maken vanuwinboedel.The M & MRemovalsSurvey App you can easily request a quote. Using the SurveyAppallows you to take pictures of the different areas and usingthosepictures, we can make an estimate of your belongings.
Wingz VVE 1.0.0
Als bewoner van eengebouw/woning/appartementen lid van een Vereniging van Eigenarendie een gebouwenverzekeringheeft afgesloten, kunt u met behulp vandeze App uw schademelden.As a resident ofabuilding / house / apartment and member of a homeownersassociationthat has concluded a building insurance, you can usethis app toreport your loss.
ISS Worldwide Movers 1.4.0
Welcome to the ISS Worldwide MoversRelocationApp.Use this app to take photos of the items you wish to moveandcomplete the short and easy to use request form, to obtainyourfree quote today.
EMG Removals 1.0.3
Use this app to create an overview ofyourhouse move requirements in just a few minutes by taking photosofthe things you want to move. Once you submit we’ll be in touchASAPwith your quote and our proposed plan for your move.
UTS Van Hoek verhuizingen 1.0.2
Gratis offerte voor uw aanstaandeverhuizingvan of naar Groningen? Download onze handige App omeenvoudig uwofferte aanvraag bij UTS Van Hoek te plaatsen. De Apphelpt u bijhet vastleggen van uw te verhuizen inboedel met behulpvan foto's.Vervolgens kunnen wij een inschatting maken van de teverhuizeninboedel en u een offerte op maat aanbieden. Het gebruikvan onzeApp is geheel vrijblijvend en kosteloos, u verplicht zichtotniets. Uw gegevens worden uitsluitend gebruikt voor het bepalenvanuw verhuisprijs. Voor meer informatie of hulp kunt of hulp kuntubellen met 050-5422666, we staan u graag te woord.Free quote foryourupcoming move to or from Groningen? Download our handy app foreasyreordering. Request your quote at UTS Van Hoek The app helpsyoucapture your move furniture using photographs. Then we can makeanestimate of the furniture to move and offer you a quote. The useofour app is completely voluntary and free of charge, youareagreeing to anything. Your information will only be usedtodetermine your removal price. For more information orassistance,or assistance, please call 050-5422666, we will be happytohelp.
De Gier Verhuizingen App 1.0.2
Welkom bij de De Gier Verhuizingen App!Metdeze App. kunt u gemakkelijk een offerte opvragen voorhetverhuizen en of opslaan van uw inboedel en of uwfitnessapparatuur.Met deze App. kunt u foto’s maken van deverschillende vertrekken.Wij zijn met name geïnteresseerd in de teverhuizen inboedel en offitnessapparatuur en eventuele obstakelszoals trappen, opstappenen smalle deuren etc. Hoe meer foto’s wijhebben hoe beter deinschatting, hoe reëler en interessanter deprijsopgave.Welcome to theVultureRemovals App With this App. you can easily request a quotefor themove and or storing your belongings and whether yourequipment.With this App. You can take pictures of the variousrooms. We areparticularly interested in moving furniture andfitness equipment,and whether any obstacles such as stairs, stepsand narrow doorsetc. The more pictures we have the better theestimate, the morereal and interesting the quotation.
KHZ MOVERS Survey App 1.4.0
Welkom bij de APP van KHZ Movers,de(internationale) verhuisspecialist. Download deze Appomgemakkelijk een offerte aanvraag te plaatsen. Met deze App kuntufoto's maken van de verschillende vertrekken waarmee wijeeninschatting kunnen maken van de te verhuizen inboedel.Welcome to the APPKHZMovers, the (international) removal specialist. Download thisAppto post. Easily quote With this App you can take pictures ofthevarious rooms that we can make the furniture tomove.Estimate
Imtrans Verhuisapp 1.4.0
Gebruik deze App om gemakkelijk een offerteaante vragen voor uw verhuizing. Aan de hand van de door uingevoerdegegevens, gewenste verhuisdatum en foto's van de teverhuizeninboedel, kunnen wij u een offerte op maat bieden.Use this app to easilyaskfor your move a quote. Based on the information you haveentered,desired move date and photos of the furniture to move, wecanprovide you with a quote.
Dracott Fennemore One world 1.4.0
Moving home? Locally or internationally,usethis app to help our team create a tailored fixed quote tosuityour needs. This step by step photo based app will help usseeeverything requiring preparation and moving. Once submitted wewillget back to you as soon as possible.
UTS Hersevoort Survey App 1.4.2
Gratis offerte voor uw aanstaandeverhuizing?Download onze handige App om eenvoudig uw offerteaanvraag bij UTSHersevoort te plaatsen. De App helpt u bij hetvastleggen van uw teverhuizen inboedel met behulp van foto's.Vervolgens kunnen wij eeninschatting maken van de te verhuizeninboedel en u een offerte opmaat aanbieden. Het gebruik van onzeApp is geheel vrijblijvend enkosteloos, u verplicht zich tot niets.Uw gegevens wordenuitsluitend gebruikt voor het bepalen van uwverhuisprijs. Voormeer informatie of hulp kunt of hulp kunt ubellen met 038 - 465 6560, we staan u graag te woord.Free quote foryourupcoming move? Download our handy app to easily place yourquoterequest at UTS Hersevoort. The App helps you move to captureyourpossessions using photos. Then we can make an estimate of themovefurniture and offer you a quote. The use of our app iscompletelyvoluntary and free of charge, you commit yourself toanything. Yourdata will only be used to determine your removalprice. For moreinformation or can help or assistance, please call038-465 65 60,we will be happy to help.
Easy Moving Survey App 1.4.0
Welkom bij de App van Easy Moving,deverhuisspecialist. Download deze App om gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvraag te plaatsen. Met deze App kunt u foto's maken vandeverschillende vertrekken waarmee wij een inschatting kunnenmakenvan de te verhuizen inboedel.Welcome to theAppEasymoving, the relocation specialist. Download this App toeasilypost a quote request. With this App you can take pictures ofthedifferent rooms which we can estimate the moving contents.
Bongers International 1.4.0
Geachte klant van Bongers. Welkom bijonzeSurvey App die het mogelijk maakt om in een paar eenvoudigestappeneen volledige offerteaanvraag te versturen voor uwaanstaandeverhuizing. Download de App, vul uw gegevens in, en maaksimpelwegeen aantal foto’s van de inboedel en de ruimtes welke uwiltverhuizen en de situatie bij uw woning. En u ontvangt vanonsdirect een passende offerte. Erkend Verhuizen kanzoveeleenvoudiger !Dear customerBongers.Welcome to our Survey App that allows you to send for yourupcomingmove. Complete quote in a few simple steps Download theapp, enteryour information, and make just a few pictures of thefurniture andspaces that you want to move and the situation in yourhome. Andyou will receive immediately a suitable offer. Movinghouse can berecognized much easier!
Ship-stuff Survey App 1.4.1
Welcome to the Ship-stuff Survey App for afreequote for your move. This app is provided by Ship-stuff tohelp youmake the request for the cost of moving your home or youroffice. Byusing this app you can enter all the items youneed.
Suddath Survey App 1.4.1
With this app you can make an inventory ofyourhome by photographing all the rooms and request a quote foryourmove. One of our move specialists will contact you afterreceivingyour request.
Packimpex Survey App 1.4.1
With this app you can make an inventory ofyourhome by photographing all the rooms and request a quote foryourmove. One of our move specialists will contact you afterreceivingyour request.
Secor Group Survey App 1.4.0
Download this free app to request yourmovequote at Secor Group. With this app you can make an inventoryofyour household by using your device camera. In a few easy stepsyouwill arrange your move in minutes and be on the road again. Oneofour moving coordinators will contact you after yourrequest.
RVJ Claim App
With the RVJ Claim App you can easily notifyus about the goods damaged during your move. Simply add your movedetails and specify the damaged items. One of our experts willreview your claim and assist you in the process.With the RVJ Claim Appyou can easily notify us about the damaged goods falling on yourmove. Simply add your details and move Specify the damaged items.One of our experts will review your claim and assist you in theprocess.
Goedkoop Verhuizen Survey App 1.4.1
Welkom bij de App van Goedkoop Verhuizen,deverhuisspecialist. Download deze App om gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvraag te plaatsen. Met deze App kunt u foto's maken vandeverschillende vertrekken waarmee wij een inschatting kunnenmakenvan de te verhuizen inboedel.Welcome to the AppofCheap Moving, moving specialist. Download this App to easily postaquote request. With this App you can take pictures of thedifferentrooms which we can estimate the moving contents.
Supermove Verkroost 1.0.1
Welkom bij de verhuis app vanSupermoveVerkroost. Sinds 1900 levert de familie Verkroost almaatwerk alsprofessioneel Erkend Verhuisbedrijf. U kunt bij onsterecht vooralles omtrent verhuizen, van het huren van tienverhuisdozen toteen all-inclusive verhuizing in binnen- enbuitenland. Downloadonze app om gemakkelijk een offerte aan tevragen voor uwverhuizing. Met de app kunt u foto's maken vanverschillendevertrekken zodat wij een inschatting kunnen maken vande teverhuizen inboedel.Welcome to the moveappSuper Move Verkroost. Since 1900, the Verkroost family hasbeenproviding customized and professionally recognizedVerhuisbedrijf.You can move everything around on us, the hiring often moving toan all-inclusive relocation at home and abroad.Download our app toeasily ask for your move a quote. With the app,you can takepictures of different rooms so we can make thefurniture to move.Estimate
Bournes Moving House Quote App 1.4.1
Use this app to create an overview ofyourhouse move requirements in just a few minutes by taking photosofthe things you want to move. Once you submit we'll be in touchASAPwith your quote and our proposed plan for your move.
Stevens International 1.0.2
Welcome to the Stevens InternationalSurveyapp. Use this app to get a free qoute for your move. This appisprovided by Stevens International to help you make the requestforthe cost of moving your home or office. By using this app youcanenter all the items you need.
Passies Verhuizers 1.4.0
Welkom bij de APP van Passies Verhuizers,deverhuisspecialist voor uw (inter)nationale verhuizingofkantoorverhuizing. Download deze App om gemakkelijk eenofferteaanvraag te plaatsen. Met deze App kunt u foto's maken vandeverschillende vertrekken waarmee wij een inschatting kunnenmakenvan de te verhuizen inboedel.Welcome to theAPPPassions Movers, the relocation specialist for (inter)nationalrelocation or office relocation. Download this App toeasily post aquote request. With this App you can take pictures ofthe differentrooms which we can estimate the moving contents.
Africa Mobility Services 1.0.0
Download this free app to request yourmovequote at AMS (Africa Mobility Services). With this app you canmakean inventory of your household by using your device camera. Inafew easy steps you will arrange your move in minutes and be ontheroad again. One of our moving coordinators will contact youafteryour request.Africa Mobility Services - Home in Africa
MovePro 1.5.1
Powerful control over the entire move process,from survey and packing to unpacking.The MovePro simplifies digital processes for surveyors and pack-in& pack-out teams, while eliminating damage discussions asclaims can be verified quickly via time-stamped surveyphotographs.Offering a clear, intuitive user interface with multi-languageinput and output options, the MovePro application isstate-of-the-art technology offering accurate, efficient dataprocessing.Seamlessly integrated into the MoveCloud environment, MoveProprovides 24/7 on-demand access. Advanced information reporting forpowerful business management is constantly available based oncompiled client data like subcontractor performance and volumeestimation variances.The MovePro consists of 3 modules: the SurveyPro, PackinPro andPackoutPro. These modules work seamlessly together in a chain,passing information from one to the other, but can also be usedstand-alone to create more flexibility.
The SurveyApp 3.0.12
Use this app to create an overview of your house moverequirementsin just a few minutes by taking photos of the thingsyou want tomove. Once you submit we'll be in touch with your quoteand ourproposed plan for your move.
The CrewPro 1.1.14
Move4U’s CrewPro app is built with the vision to finally put anendto the unreadable handwritten packing inventory! CrewProwilleither take the pre-move survey information and allows yourpackingcrew to simply update the information or create a packinginventoryfrom the beginning. Either way, you are left with a cleardigitalinventory that can be signed on the tablet by the customer.Thepacking list is then available to be shared with the customerandthe destination agent, in whatever language you choose. Atthedestination The CrewPro app provides the digital Packing listinorder to check if everything has arrived.
The SurveyVideo 1.0.9
The SurveyVideo is Move4U's latest solution! It is a live videocallthat allows the customer and surveyor to connect andprofessionallyestimate the clients inventory. Move4U has createdSurveyVideo anapp that allows companies to create an inventorylist from all overthe world, to make removals easy both for thecompany and especiallyfor costumers with a busy agenda. With thisapp, both parties canset up an appointment, without actuallymeeting up. SurveyVideo wasdesigned to connect costumers with avirtual surveyor through avirtual video call and after a shorttime, the client can receive anaccurate estimate of the move. Onceyou implement your company’slogo and style you are ready to startwith your video surveys, itsperfect for all types of moves,whether its large or small. All youneed is a smartphone and aninternet connection.
The ClaimApp
The ClaimApp is an effective instrument for handling householdmovedamages